Friday, January 29, 2016

How to Think by Rick Norwood

Rick Norwood wrote his book to teach all of his readers how to think, it is very easy to read and only 61 pages. Many people try to avoid thinking with drowning their thoughts with television, video games, cell hones etc. You will learn by reading and by controlling yoru thoughts. This book will be useful if you want to learn to think clearly, solve problems and express your ideas more persuasive. Their are 14 Chapters and at the end of each chapter there are helpful exercises to help sharpen your skills. Here is a short list:
Start a "thoughts journal" to make you more aware of your own mind and how it works.
Identify useless thoughts in order to think better thoughts.
Play a game with google, type in a word and see if you can find just one hit. That is a good one!
Only think happy thoughts.
Write down three things that you know about because you were there, write what happened with what you saw with your eyes.
Read every night before you go to bed for at least 15 minutes.
Think of a question and focus on one topic only for a day.
I learned a lot, but it also reminded me of the law of attraction books and the power of now book. Focus keeps clarity.
I was given this book free for my honest review, and yes, I read every word. I am a book addict. © 2016 Jackie Paulson

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